“A gifted storyteller with a distinctive voice, Samantha has the unique abilities to make the personal universal, to make the world and characters she’s created come to life on the page, and to make the reader feel deeply.”

Colleen Sell, Editor, A Cup of Comfort series

Blended: Writers on the Stepfamily Experience

Blended: Writers on the
Stepfamily Experience

“Blended: Writers on the Stepfamily Experience” is a collection of riveting personal essays by and for family members living in step.

The book is now available for purchase on Amazon and at bookstores.

These honest, poignant, sometimes heart-wrenching, sometimes funny stories showcase the dreams, challenges, stumbles and successes of families living in step.

With a forward by Ariel Gore, the book has a star line-up. Contributors include Marge Piercy, Barbara Lodge, Jennifer Margulis. C.S. Whitcomb, Candace Walsh, Melissa Hart,  Gigi Rosenberg, Sue Sanders, Cassie Premo Steele. and Jessica Morrell.

For the latest updates visit the Blended Stories Facebook Page.